About Tizzy

Book review: IT, by Stephen King

In case you've wondering who this Tizzy guy is, although his title of Destroyer of Worlds and Eater of the Innocent should really suffice.

Salem's Witches

Book review: IT, by Stephen King

A trio of amateur heroines battle an evil, lawsuit-happy science-fiction cult in the first novel in the Neitherlands series.

Book review: IT, by Stephen King

Book review: IT, by Stephen King

I first read this book as a teenager, back when I was fifteen years old. Back then, I felt it was a masterpiece of horror written by an extremely talented author who managed to not just keep the narrative tension consistent throughout the whole book, but also who managed to genuinely scare you. It was the first time I felt genuinely scared reading a book, as not even other King books had managed to.

I read it again last year, fifteen years later…