About Tizzy

About Tizzy

In case you've wondering who this Tizzy guy is, although his title of Destroyer of Worlds and Eater of the Innocent should really suffice.

Salem's Witches

About Tizzy

A trio of amateur heroines battle an evil, lawsuit-happy science-fiction cult in the first novel in the Neitherlands series.

About Tizzy

Destroyer of Worlds and Eater of the Innocent.

Tizzy styles himself the “Destroyer of Worlds and Eater of the Innocent.” He does so because if the Dominatrix of New Wakilork (who he created and lives only in his head) can self-style so can he.
That’s not the most absurd part about him. It’s not even top-ten worthy.

In reality, he’s a computer engineer who leads a quiet life where creating websites and writing. In his spare time he reads, watches films, tries to sing (although the neighbors have tried to put a stop to that), learns any languages that cross his path, and whines endlessly to his army of cats.

In his mind he lives in a cave, breathes fire, sleeps over a mountain of gold, and regularly terrorizes villagers in his crusade to fill the world with terror.

As it happens, one of those stories is more interesting than the other. It’s up to you which one to believe.